Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Christmas Day Fun

There was plenty of snow in Madison and it always makes Christmas so much more fun to have everything covered in white.
There was lots of sledding, snowboarding and fun to be had outside.
We had made a pretty good sledding track with a decent sized jump over Matt's mom's flowerbed area. 
A few pics of Blake heading down before Wyatt was out of the way--classic.
And as inevitable happens every year, a snowball fight ensued.
And then the idea to bury Blake in the snow...
Sadie was next...
We had so much fun outside and got out some of the kids' energy before we all came in and got cleaned up for Christmas dinner. I forgot to take a picture of the beautiful table and all of us seated around it, but I did take time to take this picture….yes, during the middle of the meal, Blake (once again) just got tired and grabbed and blanket and laid down on the floor to take a nap. And even after we cleared the table and finished dinner, he was still out!
And then we attempted to wake Blake up and he wandered over the steps and then did this....
(he is actually sleeping despite the fact that he appears to be adjusting himself)