Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sadie's Grandparents' Day

Sadie finally got to have her Grandparents' Day at school and the timing worked out great because it was on a friday and Matt's birthday was the following day, so his parents made the trip up. Sadie's class had been practicing since the school year started and they did a great job!
She sang her heart out!
After her program, we met her in her classroom and she was delighted to be able to show Grammy and Papa around. (And she loved the flowers they also brought for her--boy did she feel special!)
Reading to Grammy
As she was reading to Grammy, I couldn't help but notice Sadie's name card on her desk and how she decorated it....
..contrasted with her friend's right next to her. I love seeing my kids' personalities come through in little things like this. 
  The rest of the weekend was filled with hockey practices and games, hockey in the backyard and birthday celebrations for Matt.
It was SO cold (we just hit a record of 50 days below zero this winter), so a few breaks inside were needed. But they all headed back out after dinner again.
It was great having Grammy and Papa here for the weekend and Sadie felt so special to be able to have them there for Grandparents' Day.