Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Christmas Break in Madison

We drove to Madison on the Saturday before Christmas and it was just after a massive snow/ice storm had gone through Madison. Thankfully we didn't have to drive in it and with all the wind they had, it looked absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't wait to get to my parent's house and pull out my camera. A few from my parent's backyard...

I took this picture to try and show the layer of ice that was on top of all the snow.....I took this step into the snow and then stepped back to examine how thick the ice was. 

Once it started getting dark outside, I headed back out for some more amazing pictures.
Then Sadie and I headed into town to Clasen's Bakery with my mom to get some rolls for dinner. I have such fond memories of going to this german bakery as a kid. Sadie loved the life-size gingerbread house and played in there for awhile.
Real candy and cookies and real gingerbread!
Yummy goodness!
I had to take this picture to show Sadie's stage presence....she was putting on a show here (hardly anyone was in the store but I'm sure she would have preferred a crowd!).
Meanwhile back at home, there was lots of this going on. (Wyatt joined the chess club at school during the first semester and really enjoyed learning strategies and playing games of chess every thursday after school). 
The next day, Sunday, we had a beautiful snowfall of a few inches. What could be better than sitting in front of the fire with the tree all decorated and presents wrapped and snow falling outside?!
I commented back on the post from Blake's birthday that he often likes to sit under tables/chairs/couches......here is further evidence of that.
Yummy waffles for breakfast in Nani's kitchen
Or maybe it's more like a bit of waffles with her whip cream!
We watched Despicable Me and Nani, Blake and Sadie all did the dance-a-long at the end of the movie (sorry Mom, this picture was just too good not to post!)
More beauty outside
What would Christmas be without sledding at Nani and Pops' house?!
My parents have new neighbors next door and my kids were delighted to meet the kids, which are close in age to Sadie and Wyatt. Since my kids don't have cousins, it's always fun to have some extra kids around.
Gotta love the workout that sledding provides--everyone always sleeps well after a day of sledding!
Wyatt asked my Dad if he could use the snowblower, so my Dad showed him how to use it. It's things like this that make me realize how quickly Wyatt (and Sadie and Blake, for that matter) are growing up! Make it stop!!

On Monday, Sadie and I joined the women in the Sorensen family for our annual 'Favorite Things' gift exchange, so Matt, my Dad and the boys met Tyler for some indoor mini-golf followed by lunch and then a couple hours of playing at the health club. This seems to be a highlight for my kids and they loved the endless space to play basketball, racquet ball, run on the track, etc. My Dad and Matt both came home saying what a great basketball player Wyatt could be--unfortunately it looks like he'll be following in his Dad's footsteps of playing hockey instead of following in mine!
And of course we had to get in some last-minute cookie baking and decorating!
And one more picture before Christmas morning....Matt and my Dad putting together Blake's christmas gift. What would Christmas be without some gift that needs to be assembled in the wee hours of the night, after the kids have all gone to bed and are definitely sleeping? But anticipating the reaction on their faces is all worth it!