Sunday, October 27, 2013

Too hilarious not to share

So I realized that I didn't post much about Wyatt's baseball season from earlier in the summer. This is for a couple of reasons.....(1) we missed some games and the end of the year tournament because we were up at Stormy (we left the decision up to Wyatt and he chose Stormy, which we were super pumped about, knowing that eventually it will be harder to get up to the cabin with the kids' activities) and (2) his team was horrible this year and the coaches were almost worse
I won't go on about his team (this was the last year of randomly assigning kids to a team---next year travel baseball starts and the kids all tryout for various levels) but let me just say that they only won one game (out of 15)!
But here's the hilarious part....picture day.
Since we had such a long winter last year (remember we got our last snowfall May 4th!), the teams weren't able to have any practices prior to the scheduled picture day. So the coaches all just emailed their teams and told them what time they were assigned for pictures and what color their team was. Matt was taking Wyatt to his pictures and since Matt has a small habit of running late, I told him Wyatt had to be at pictures at 9:30am and to look for the orange team. (Pictures were actually at 9:45am) When they got home, I asked how everything went. They both said 'fine' and then Wyatt said, "Mom, one of the kid's from my class at school is on my team and his dad is the coach."
As I proceeded to ask more questions about which kid he was talking about and what the coach's name was, I realized this was not his coach! After several minutes of confusion, it dawned on me that Wyatt had his picture taken with the wrong team! I emailed Wyatt's coach and sure enough, they were wondering where Wyatt was for their picture! It was partially my fault but we were also surprised that this other coach didn't say anything, like maybe "Oh, I don't have a Wyatt on my roster!" or "Are you sure you aren't on the other orange team?"
We will forever be able to remember the incident with this picture--a team picture with a team Wyatt was never on!