Thursday, October 10, 2013

A return trip to Stormy Lake for the Kuchs

The Kuch family came up to Stormy Lake last summer and stayed at Matt's parent's place with us, so unlike many of our other friends, this wasn't their inaugural trip up.
The weather couldn't have been more perfect....highs in the low 80s and sunny!
These boys virtually took up residence in the back of the boat
I was finally getting some better spray on my cuts....
And Wyatt rocked the slalom ski with his fan club cheering him on!

Starting to make some cuts

Cooper, Conner and Erik
Sadie going for a run and getting dropped off at Grammy and Papa's place

Then it was time for some mother/daughter skiing (I LOVE just saying it--mother/daughter skiing!! Looking forward to many more years of skiing together--water and snow!)
And Sadie pulled out a few tricks of her own....
Then it was time for some tubing....this was the preliminary round...many more runs followed the next day (upcoming post)
Some of my favorite pics from the summer are right here....
I absolutely love getting away from everything and spending time at Stormy with nothing but our family (sometimes friends) and nature. The kids' relationships with each other seem to grow so much while we are up there and these two have such a great relationship. Ever since the day we brought Blake home, these two have shared a special bond and Wyatt is such a great big brother to Blake, always including him and showing him the ropes.

A good sign that there are many laughs coming....
Matt, Erik and Ty did a little triple skiing before dinner one night....half the battle is getting all the ropes cleared and untangled and keeping these guys focused on the task at hand!
Poor Ty kept getting the front of his skis caught on the back of Erik's and going down!
(notice Ty way back in the water!)
So the next day we tried for four skiers.....
(l to r) Ty, Matt, my father-in-law and Erik
A little ski show action
...and then Erik went down when he crossed behind my father-in-law
And when someone goes down, it takes some serious effort to get everyone the correct rope, make sure they aren't tangled, get the boat straightened out..... this picture!!
And Angie and Wyatt served as the trusty boat crew! (Notice Blake and wonder it took so long to get the rope situation figured out!)
Even at 65 year old, my father-in-law's still got some skills!
And Erik's last fall left him without a swimsuit on his body.....his raised it as if it were his 'white flag of surrender', warning the boat not to come too close!
And of course what would a father/son ski be without my husband pulling a few pranks on his Dad!