Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rising Stars

Sadie finished her first year of gymnastics at Rising Star Gymnastics and loved it. She hadn't done any form of gymnastics before and really wanted to try it, so I signed up both Sadie and Blake together on Wednesday mornings. It was a huge blessing to be able to do it during the day (another bonus of 1/2 day kindergarten) and although Sadie is still working on doing a cartwheel, she did look forward to it every week. 
(She is my daughter, after all, and I could never do a good cartwheel--have you seen the length of my legs and the size of them?! No way my little arms could get them over my head!)

At the end of the year, they did a 'spring show' and divided it up by levels.....Sadie usually only has 4 kids in her class on Wednesday mornings but the spring show was ALL the kids who were Intermediate Gymnasts. It proved to be a lot of action but she loved it and did great!

Warming up doing their bridges
Here she is in the background running towards the springboard
(Can you spot her in the background about to bounce off the board?)
The bars
The trampoline 
Balance beam
And her floor routine
They called each gymnast up by name to receive their medal and stand on the podium....She loved being 'on stage' and we were so proud of all she had accomplished this year. 
Blake's class did their version of a 'spring show' during his last class and he was pretty excited to get a medal of his own, but was actually quite shy about standing on the podium. For as athletic and strong as he is, he didn't really enjoy doing any of the skills in front of people for them to watch. If the sole purpose is for the viewing pleasure of others, he's not into it.
Blake with his great teacher, Kristy
These two had such a great year together, not only in gymnastics but in everyday life. Having Sadie home all morning was such a blessing and Blake and I are really going to miss her next year. (I don't think Blake will know what to do without her around during the day!)