Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

Sadie's class had an official 'graduation' ceremony. As I referenced in the last post, Sadie's Kindergarten year was certainly not everything I had hoped it would be. There were issues with some of the kids in her class as well as with her teacher, but thankfully Sadie's love of school carried her through.
Sadie and her teacher, Ms. Eull, with her official diploma
WHAT???? Class of 2025? That's crazy!
Sadie's favorite teacher--her gym teacher--Mr. Spring. He was an amazing teacher and I wish Sadie could have had him as her Kindergarten teacher! He is one of the greats and we will definitely miss him! (Can't you tell by the smile on Sadie's face?!)
Sadie and her new friend Delaney....we met Delaney through school this year and found out that her family just moved into our neighborhood this year from New Jersey. Sadie and Delaney love playing together and Sadie asks me almost daily, "Can I play with Delaney today?"
Sadie and Ms. Eull
Sadie rocked Kindergarten and despite all the distractions this year, she learned so much and still loves school and teaching and all that comes with it!