Saturday, October 29, 2011


A few days ago I was in the kitchen and Sadie said to me, "Mom, why do you keep making that noise?"

me:"What noise, Sadie?"

Sadie said, "This noise" and gave a very heavy sigh

me: get that horrible sinking feeling that I am being a terrible mother and I didn't even realize my frustration with things was so evident...then responded, "Sadie. I am sorry. I didn't realize I was making that noise. I guess I just need to be more patient with things."

Sadie: "But didn't you pray to Jesus for patience this morning? I don't think he gave it to you."

Me: swallowing my pride yet again after feeling convicted by my 4-year old daughter, as only kids can do...."Well Sadie. Sometimes we need to keep going to back to Jesus to help us with these things. Should Mommy pray to Jesus again right now and ask for patience?"

Sadie: "yes"

So we did. I stopped everything and we just prayed in the kitchen that Jesus would give Mommy more patience. Having children is a very humbling experience and I am sure if Matt or anyone else had pointed out to me that I was making 'that noise', I would have responded defensively or given an excuse for my behavior. But when it's your little ones noticing, there is nothing you can do but realize that the Lord uses them in powerful ways to teach us lessons we need to be taught!