Monday, October 17, 2011

Difference between boys and girls

Blake is in the habit of taking off his clothing lately. Yesterday I put him down for a nap and about 20 minutes later I heard him crying. I thought it was weird since he always goes down so well and usually naps for about 2 hours, so I went in to find his pants and his diaper on the ground, outside his crib. Thankfully the diaper was clean/empty! But he just looked at me and smiled. I didn't take the time to take a picture of that, but I did take a picture the other day when he took off his own shirt. And this was where I found him.....
..under our table, doing who knows what, without a shirt on...
Wyatt decided to join him and I found this picture just hilarious.....Grace and Sadie continued to work on their project, completely oblivious to the boys under the table.
I guess that's just one of the many differences between boys and girls.