Monday, May 16, 2011

More on Blaker.....

Blake had a rough winter when it came to sickness/infections/etc. So unfortunately, he spent a fair amount of time in doctor's offices. But as a result, he LOVES playing with out doctor kit and knows how to use each tool...he'll listen to your heart, look in your ears and your mouth, and even your eyes. It has turned into a family event...we all sit around and let Blake examine us!

(excuse the photo quality, I took it with my phone)

And his other latest trick.....hiding!
This is one of his 2 favorite hiding places (the other is underneath the desk in our office area).

And he is actually really great at hiding! He will sit perfectly still and perfectly quiet until you find him (which is a bit odd since he never sits still any other time and he isn't quiet at all.) However, his brother and sister are horrible at hide and seek because they can't keep quiet for the life of them, but he is absolutely silent.
And fast! He is so fast...he will grab something he isn't supposed to have and, depending on what floor he is on, will run into one of his 2 hiding places and sit perfectly quiet and still until I get him. And I actually have to run to catch him!


Lindsay Borland said...

i SOOOO wish we got to spend more time with you guys so we could see his personality grow ... we love little Blakers and you guys!!!