Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Highlight of her week

Last week, Sadie and Blake and I were finally able to visit my good friend Steph and meet her little girls, Claire and Ellie. Steph had twin girls almost 8 weeks ago and also has a 2yr old son Charlie. Despite the fact that they only live about an hour and a half away, we still hadn't been able to make it down to see them until last week. The kids had colds for awhile that I didn't want to expose the girls to, but Sadie was quite persistent in asking to meet Claire and Ellie. And since they were born at 36 weeks and weighed under 5lbs at birth, they were still pretty small when we finally went to see them!

Sadie loved being the one to hold Claire until she fell asleep. Steph and I were sitting in the kitchen and I looked over a few times to see Sadie lifting Claire up to kiss her and give her a hug...it was so precious!

Sadie, Claire, Charlie and Eleanore
(gotta love that Claire is smiling up at Sadie)

Sadie was in heaven! I told Steph if she ever needed an extra helper to hold one of the girls, she knew who to call! It was great for me to see Steph and be able to catch up with her as well (as much as you can catch up with twin babies, a 17-mos. old, a 2 year old and a 4 year old). Actually, everyone did great but Blake continues to be the most difficult even out of that group. Partly it's his age, but mostly it's his personality. Steph, like everyone else who spends much time around Blake, was amazed at his level of activity. And in keeping with his tradition, he made sure to break something before we left! (He got in to their dog Lily's water dish and picked it up and dropped it, shattering it into a bunch of ceramic pieces and soaking everything around him.) So thankful to have such understanding friends, though! And if they'll have us, we will be back.


steph said...

of course we want you back! sadie will be ellie and claire's role model!!!

cant wait to see you guys soon.