Friday, April 29, 2011

Daddy or Husband

I recently took Sadie with me to a new boutique I had been wanting to check out for awhile. While we were in the fitting room (imagine small boutique, 2 fitting rooms right in the middle of the store with fabric draped over the doorway), I tried on a dress that was way too short and offered to let Sadie wear it while I tried on other things. I knew it would just graze the floor if she wore it, which in Sadie's mind is equated with perfection! As she stood there looking at herself in the mirror and twirling, she said, "Mommy, can I pretend I have a Daddy?" in a voice loud enough for the entire store to hear.

I looked at her and in a voice that I was sure everyone would be able to hear, I responded, "Sadie, you already have a Daddy. He's at home with your brothers."
Sadie: "Well when can I pretend I have a father?"
Me: "Sadie, you do have a father. Daddy is your father."
Sadie: "Oh, I mean a husband. When can I pretend I have a husband so he can look at me in my pretty dress and tell me how beautiful I look."

It was so precious once she got it right! And I told her that I could tell her how beautiful she was and so could Matt. But a friend just pointed out to me as I was telling that story that it's a great testimony to our marriage. Because Sadie does hear Matt tell me constantly how beautiful I am and she will grow up to expect that from her husband someday. So the story was not only precious but also a great example of what a wonderful husband Matt is and how much our kids observe that. And if Sadie marries a man like her Daddy, she will be a very blessed woman!