Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Current happenings....

it's been awhile since I have posted about some of the random, everyday happenings in our household. I have been keeping a list of things to blog about on my phone and I am finally sitting down to write some of them down!

1. We were a bit early to swimming lessons last week and I said, "Hey guys, we are a bit early" as I was looking for something in my purse before we got out of the car and Wyatt said, "What does early mean?"
I laughed out loud! Yes, my kids are rarely early to just seems like a waste of time to be early! On time, hopefully, but early? Never!

2. We were working on homework with Wyatt one evening and learning the difference between even and odd numbers. I must have made a comment about things being 'even steven' to which Wyatt quickly followed up with 'Odd Todd'. Matt and I died laughing....Wyatt, however, didn't understand what was so funny. So randomly Matt and I will look at each other and say, 'Odd Todd'....If you say it out loud, I'll bet you will be laughing too!

3. This kid......

I grabbed my camera and quickly snapped a few pictures...not many people can have their feet on the ground at the same time as their entire head!
And this....he loves climbing into a chair and sitting in it like he's a 'big kid'

He has learned how to give hugs (with both arms!) and kisses (the open-mouth kind, of course!) He has also learned how to pray with us and when we say, "Let's pray" he reaches his arms out to hold the hand of whoever is next to him and when we are done, he says, "men" for Amen. It is so precious! He currently loves reading any/all books and especially the ones with animals and their sounds. Just yesterday he was sitting and reading one of these books and it sounded like he kept laughing to himself, but I noticed he was pointing at the horse and making a 'neigh-neigh' sound. It was hilarious.
He continues to be fearless and when we go to the park, he will climb to the top of the 'bigger kids' play area (forget trying to keep him on the play area for 3 and under) and go down the big twisty slide all by himself. I just keep waiting to see what he'll get in to next!


Lindsay Borland said...

love the updates!!!

Jenny said...

I had a book in my classroom when I was a 1st grade teacher that was actually called Even Steven and Odd Todd for helping to each even and odd numbers! :)