Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sadie loves pretending to be a Mommy, which I think is normal for most little girls. But she REALLY loves being a Mommy--to the extent that when we are trying to get out the door to go somewhere, she will sometimes hold us all up because one of her babies doesn't have a necessary accessory or item(diaper, bottle, etc). And ever since she was in her Aunt Lindsay and Uncle Rob's and Uncle Kyle and Aunt Christy's weddings this summer, she has become equal focused on weddings (another normal little-girl obsession). So as I was doing her hair this morning, she said to me, "Mommy, I want to be a Mommy right now."

Me: (trying to think of the most immediate and logical reason why this wouldn't work out) "Sadie, you can't be a Mommy right now. You wouldn't be able to go to dance class today. Mommies don't get to do to dance class, do we?"

Sadie: "Well, I want to get married. I love getting married. You get to wear a pretty long dress that touches the floor and people carry the back of it for you and your father gets to dance with you and hold your shoulders like this and twirl you around." (seriously, that is word for word....even used the word 'father', which she never calls Matt and talked about getting married like she'd done it 10 times already)

Me: "Sadie, Daddy will dance with you and twirl you around whenever you want. Just go ask him."

Sadie: no more words...just waiting patiently while I finished her braids and then took off for our bedroom to ask Matt if he would dance with her..which he did, of course, despite the fact that he was seriously late already (have I mentioned how much I love that he knows what is really important and what can wait?!). And let me just tell you that that little girl had a smile from ear to ear and has all day. Amazing what a twirl from a Dad can do for a little girl!


steph said...

oh my! that is too sweet! i can't wait to watch bill be a dad to daughters!

Lindsay Borland said...

the things that go through her mind in a day - she cracks me up!!!