Sunday, February 20, 2011


SO it's Sunday morning and I am sitting at my computer (not my usual sunday morning activity!) And I'm sure you could guess why.....yes, Blake is sick again! I just cannot believe it..the poor kid and I am sorry to say, but poor me! Can't we catch a break?!

He woke up last night around midnight with a fever (I'm guessing around 102) and wouldn't sleep unless I was holding him. So I spent from around midnight until 8am in the chair in his room, attempting to catch some ZZZs while making sure Blake slept and didn't wake anyone else up. He's not doing much better this morning and despite my love of winter, the blizzard outside, which is supposed to drop up to 12 inches on us, isn't helping my optimism about getting rid of sickness in our house!
The only solace I have found in all this is that I have several friends with kids about the same ages as Blake who seem to have the same struggle this year. And even our doctor's office has said they have seen a record amount of sickness this year that just seems to linger....hoping for some warm weather soon!!