Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When 'no one' is watching

I happened to be able to video tape one of those precious moments when you catch your kids doing something adorable and they have no idea you are watching. They were in bed pretending to be 'going to bed' and were praying....so cute!!


Advice Gals said...

kris, that is priceless. i love those little munchkins!

Anonymous said...

precious!!! i cannot wait to see you guys in december!!!

Julie Theis said...

Oh Lord,

Please give me kids like Wyatt and Sadie and also, please bless the popcorn i'm planning on having tomorrow!

Miss you, Kris.

xo Julie

Katie said...

That is so awesome!

Our Family said...

so adorable!!! my favorite part is Wyatt saying... "Here she comes, here she comes, we gotta go to sleep!" Love it!!!

Christy said...

adorable, you guys are such a good example to them :)