Monday, July 6, 2009

Saying goodbye...didn't we just do this?

A few weeks ago, our good friends from Pittsburgh came to visit us here in Columbus for one last visit. We all lived in La Crosse, WI and moved away last summer, not knowing we would end up seeing each other as often as we did this year. But as our time in Columbus comes to an end, we had to really say goodbye for quite awhile. They have one more year left of residency in Pittsburgh and we'll be moving to Minnesota.
The came for a few days and the kids had a blast--but were exhausted by the end of each day. We will definitely miss seeing them as often as we did this year! But maybe they'll move close to us once their residency is done!! (hint, hint)

(Sadie, Gabe, Wyatt, Audra, and Kaden)

We'll miss you guys but know you'll have a great summer in Utah and Idaho!!