Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mr. Perceptive

If you spend any time with Wyatt, don't be fooled into thinking that he isn't paying attention. This kid doesn't miss a beat! He pays attention to everything and asks a million questions--and remembers the answers as well. For example, Matt and Wyatt were in the car going somewhere and there was a very large man (to put it nicely) and Matt said, "Oh boy, that guy can't run."
Days later when the kids and I were running errands, Wyatt saw another large guy and said, "Mommy, that guy can't run." I had no idea where this was coming from but I supposed he was right. And then when I talked to Matt later, it all made sense. But any comment made or question asked seems forever imprinted in his memory--even things from 2 years ago!!
A few examples:

1. He can ride in a car with someone not from Columbus and pretty much get them around the city. One day on our way home from the health club, he asked if we could go 'his' way home. I wasn't sure what that meant, but thought I'd humor him and follow his directions. He shocked me when I thought we may have been getting lost as we'd never driven on many of these roads but his sense of direction is so good that he got us home without a wrong turn. And when my parents or in-laws have come to watch the kids, I just tell them to ask Wyatt how to get somewhere and sure enough, he'll tell them exactly where to go!

2. As he was leaving with Matt to go to the driving range a few days ago, he said, "Daddy, who is going to carry your clubs?" thinking that everyone gets a caddy like the pros on TV.

3. While playing outside with Matt on a hot day, he turned to me and said, "Mom, could you get a towel to wipe my sweat off with and then I'll throw it back to you ?" to which I replied, "No, Wyatt. You can go get yourself a towel. And someday if you become a professional tennis player, then someone can give you a towel and you can toss it back to them. But until then, you can get it yourself".

4. Upon turning tennis on the other day, Wyatt said, "Mommy, they are playing on grass because it's Wimbledon".

It sounds, based on these comments, that we watch a lot of TV. And I do let the kids watch some, but mostly the only thing that is on if the TV is on is sports--primarily because Matt and I want to see all the great tournaments and championships going on this time of year. In fact yesterday, we had Wimbledon on again and Wyatt (in his pajamas) stood in front of the TV and 'volleyed' (sp?) with the player on the opposite side of the court. And when the player would hit to their opponents backhand, Wyatt would hit a backhand and vice versa with his forehand. At one point, he turned around and said, "Daddy, why do they keep hitting it to my backhand? It's hard to return a backhand" and Matt answered, "Wyatt, that's why they hit to your backhand, because they hope you won't be able to return it". Who needs video games when you can do this? (And thankfully Wyatt isn't too interested in video games because he knows Mommy and Daddy won't allow them in our house anyways, so we can just stick with our 'Wimbledon' game).

He continues to amaze me and I am so thankful to be his mother. And it keeps me on my toes about what we say, watch, and do--because I know he'll pick up on everything!


Katie said...

Great picture at the top of your blog! You all look so happy.

Anonymous said...

wy-guy is by far my fav nephew!!! he is sooo grown up!!!