Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sades being Sades

A few recent pictures of Sadie being Sadie.....she is such a happy girl and brings an immediate smile to all our faces. The tone of voice she uses is so sweet than even in stores, people will look at her and just smile when they hear her talking. And as you can see from the pictures, she is quite independent and like to do things on her own.

..showing off her freshly painted fingernails..

.....painting her toenails...
..working on those fingernails again..

....taking a nap with her babydolls...

..and I'm not sure what they were doing here...napping under Wyatt's bed? Hiding?


Katie said...

She is all girl! Cute pictures.

Advice Gals said...


Anonymous said...

i miss you guys sooo much!!!