Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wyatt's upcoming job

Wyatt is a thinker. He thinks intensely about things and asks a million questions--and just any answer will not do. He knows if we're not 'fully' answering his question or if the answer doesn't make sense. So he's been very interested in weddings lately, as he and Sadie are going to be in my sister's wedding in September. Last night in the car, we had a conversation that went something like this:

Wyatt: "Mom, Sadie is my wife"

Me: "No honey. Sadie is your sister. She's not your wife."

Wyatt: "Well, then I'll just call her my wife."

Me: "Wyatt, Sadie can't be your wife. She's your sister and she'll always be your sister. Someday when you grow up and meet a girl that you love, she will be your wife. You get to pick your wife."

Wyatt: "I get to pick my wife?"

Me: "Yes, you get to pick who will be your wife and you will live with her."

Wyatt: "Mommy, will you be my wife?" (This just melted my heart and I had to try and hide my excitement at the idea that he wanted me to be his wife.)

Me: "Wyatt, I can't be your wife. Whose wife am I?"

Wyatt: "You're Daddy's wife."

Me: "Yes, and you can only have one wife. So I will only be Daddy's wife."

Wyatt: "Well then I guess I'll just be the ringbearer for now."


Anonymous said...

yup ... HILARIOUS ... i just died laughing! i love the way wyatt thinks!!!

Jenny said...

That is the cutest story! Thanks for sharing! :)

Our Family said...

oh so funny - what a sweetheart! he is sooo deep - must get it from his daddy! :)

Katie said...

He is too cute. I love the way little minds work! :-)

Advice Gals said...

what a presh little man. gotta love him.