Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Sadie Joan!!

It's hard to believe that two years ago today little Miss Sadie Joan finally entered the world. She was weeks overdue and was measuring small for about the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. I really didn't want to be induced, so my doctor had me come in every 3-4 days for ultrasounds just to ensure that the baby was doing okay. And every time we went in she was doing great---just a bit small (which I have to say, I was actually thankful for since Wyatt was 8lbs 7oz). But on March 20th, I went in to have an ultrasound and my amniotic fluid levels had dropped below normal and the doctors told us we really should be induced. So the next morning, we headed to the hospital and had quite the experience. They started me on petocin and for the next 2 hours, Matt and I just sat there reading the paper and watching TV. I was having contractions but not feeling anything. Then at about 10am I started to feel the contractions and a very quick couple of hours later Sadie was born. She waited so long to come into this world but once she was on her way, she came quickly. And was she tiny--and least compared to what I was used to--6lbs, 12oz. But what joy she brought us immediately and it hasn't left out household since that day. She is such a happy child who makes us all laugh on a daily basis. She is VERY independent and very girly! Ladies, watch your purses if she is in the same room---she has a 'purse' radar and can find one anywhere! Same goes for any form of chapstick/lipstick!
Sadie is such a precious gift to our family and we are so thankful for her!

I love this picture because it shows just how tiny she was----that's Matt's hand holding her little head in between his fingers!

I had to put this picture on here because it shows her personality so well. This was taken last year, so she was probably about 15 mos. old. We were with a large group of moms and kids visiting the fire station in La Crosse and Sadie wanted to see what the firemen were talking about, so she just walked right in to the middle of the circle to check it out for herself. She wasn't intimidated at all and couldn't have cared less that everyone was watching her......and nothing has changed since that day!

..waking from a nap this summer....always wakes up with hair all over the place and a big smile on her face!

...again, little miss independent, always on a mission..

Happy Birthday Sadie!!


Mary Jo said...

what a precious little girl!!! She's gotta be one of the most beautiful little girls I know (if not THE most beautiful little girl)!! I can't believe she's 2 already! I remember coming up to see you right after she was born. I can't wait for more adventures with this little darling :)

Our Family said...

I really cannot believe how much she and Elle are alike. So fun to see a year of pics of her - to see her change and grow! Its so much fun - what a doll!