Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A little bit more

My parents left to head home on Saturday morning and my sister Lindsay got here Saturday afternoon. It's been great having family around and the kids are loving it---it will be a tough adjustment once it's just the four of us again.
Unfortunately, I completely spaced on taking pictures last week while my parents were here. We had a great time shopping, going to the park, swimming at the pool, going out for ice cream, going on walks, etc and once they left, I realized I hadn't taken any pictures of it! But I learned my lesson and am making up for it this week. My sister Lindsay is here for the week and we are really trying to soak up each minute with her--especially since we won't see her for a year and a half once she leaves. She is moving to New Zealand to be on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and work with the students at the University of Wellington--a great opportunity for her, but really sad for us! I haven't really wrapped my brain around this one yet and I'm sure I'll have a hard time adjusting to life without her here (just adjusting to a 17-hour time change will be difficult!)
Today was a rainy day here in C-bus, so we decided to run errands. As previously posted, Sadie broke out iPod and I had to take it in to see if it was at all salvageable. They had a little section at the Apple store that was "Just for Kids". Of course, their plan is to get kids hooked on their computers so that they beg and beg for one (and I'm sure it works since I would love one myself). Wyatt and Sadie were just excited to be able to touch the computers (since they aren't allowed to play with ours) and 'pretend' to send emails. As Wyatt said, "Mommy, I just have to send a quick email, ok?" I can't imagine who he heard that from!

Lindsay and Wyatt started to play a game on this computer and both got sucked in.......although I have to admit that it is very user friendly...love the serious faces.

We are really going to miss her when she's gone!!

Sadie figured things out all fine on her own....Miss Independent...she had no idea how to use the mouse, but certainly knew how to 'look the part'.


Kasey said...

Sounds like you guys are adjusting well to Columbus, though having family visit does help. When I was reading about your sister going to New Zealand w/ Campus Crusade I realized that someone we support (and someone Corey went to school w/ at Butler) is actually in New Zealand on staff...and he thinks she is at Wellington. Her name is Sara Overmeyer...I believe she back in the states for a month or so...but will return to New Zealand. Small world...maybe that would give your sister a connection (ok, a really distant connection...but it always helps)

Our Family said...

Cute pics - Elle and Sadie have a lot in common - very independent! Elle doesn't even think she needs me much.... :( I didn't expect that to happen so early! Tell Lyndsay that we will pray for her - what a great opportunity!

kara jayne said...

I know exactly how you feel about lindsay leaving. You may know that in our church most boys leave for 2 years at age 19 to serve. Girls often go too. It was hard to see my siblings leave, but really great to communicate through letters. Now that email is so readily available that will help too!