Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blake's turning 4?!

Blake's birthday was on Monday, but since my parents and Matt and Mary Jo had to head back to Madison on Sunday, he got to open a few gifts a day early (which of course he thought was just amazing!). 
"Passionate"--a word that describes Blake so perfectly. He is passionate about everything he does and if you need any added excitement, just look to him. Usually I don't love pictures of people opening gifts, but these show his personality so well. (It could even be a pack of gum that he's opening and the expressions would be the same.)

Getting Wii Sports Resort for the Wii (instead of the regular Wii sports games like baseball, golf, basketball and tennis this one has wake boarding, parasailing, canoeing, cycling. etc)
(somebody else was pretty excited too)
Examining his NERF gun...
and I'm quite sure also plotting his strategies for taking down Matt and Wyatt

I think he'll be set on ammo
Blake also got the best birthday card from Auntie Cam--it was one of those singing cards with a dancing robot on it--and yes, we wore it out! He would sit at the counter and just open it and listen--over and over and over again! Did I mention how much this boy loves music?