Friday, March 22, 2013


As a mom, there are a few moments in my kids' lives that I have vividly remembered or stopped to try and 'take it all in'. One of those was the night that Wyatt prayed to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. We were living in Columbus and Wyatt was only 4 years old, yet he seemed to really understand what he was praying (as best as a 4-year old can). In our house, we talk a lot about Jesus being the Lord of our lives and having the Holy Spirit living within us once we make that decision. Sadie has also accepted Christ, but obviously Blake hasn't yet. We were sitting upstairs in our loft area, where we usually have family prayers and talk a bit before we put the kids to bed. And during Lent, we have been using this Lent Calendar I got from another blog I read (you can check it out here). As we were reading Day 5, Wyatt read, "Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. John 11:26". We were discussing what this means with the kids and Wyatt's concern immediately turned to Blake's future--"Mom, Blake isn't saved yet! What happens if something happens to him?"
This then lead to a whole slue of other questions, but that's not what I wanted to write about here. What I found interesting was when we started to talk to the kids about when they had accepted Christ. And although I can distinctly remember when it happened, I wasn't sure they did. It was so touching for Matt and I to hear Wyatt recount the night when he accepted Jesus in incredible detail--he could tell us where we were all sitting, what the room looked like, the time of day, even what toys were on the floor at that moment! It amazed me as I thought back on that night in our tiny apartment in Columbus--a difficult year marked by struggles and exhaustion--but also a year that changed our son's life forever!
Wyatt told us all his memories of the night when "the Holy Spirit came to live inside of me" and it was no less powerful now than on that night.
And although I realize that a child that young can't fully comprehend what following the Lord means, we continually pray that Wyatt would live out his decision to follow Christ and thus far in his life, he has. It has been a privilege to pray with him this year for specific things we have seen that he needs to work on and to witness how the Holy Spirit has been working in his heart. When it comes to matters of faith, Wyatt loves to ask questions and discuss what God's Word says and for this, we are so thankful. He and Matt have really enjoyed going to BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) together on Monday nights and working on their lessons each morning together. And we pray that this pattern of being in The Word would stick with him for life. So thankful for this guy and blessed to be his mom!