Tuesday, March 5, 2013


On Sunday after church, we went over to our friends, the Schmitt's, house for brunch. (We went skiing in Utah with their son and daughter-in-law). Steph and the kids were up in Hudson for the weekend while Bill was at a conference, so we enjoyed a wonderful meal with Tom, Laura, Steph and several other members of the Schmitt family (daughter-in-law Margit and grandson Paul, daughter Mary and her husband Elliot). Lots of fun was had by all--as always--and we cracked up watching the kids watch Nemo 3D on Tom and Laura's bed after we all ate (to buy a few more minutes of peacefully adult conversation).
Another little funny---after Matt got me a Vitamix blender for Christmas, we both started blending a lot and making smoothies for breakfast. The kids love trying Matt's (not mine--they refer to mine as 'swamp gas' since it's green!) so one day I told Sadie to take a picture of her smoothie 'stache and this was what I found on my phone a few days later!

Blake loves when I make meatballs. It's one of his favorite meals, but when we recently were eating them, we noticed that Blake calls them 'meatbulbs'. We tried correcting him at first, but Wyatt and Sadie found it hilarious! So know our entire family calls them meatbulbs--just a little Sorensen thing!

Another Blake funny---He woke up one day from his nap all sweaty and said to me, "I woke up all watery!"

And a few insights into my kids' personalities....
We were talking about what the kids wanted to be when they grow up and Wyatt shared, "I don't want to be a professional skier".
My response was, of course, "why not?"
To which Wyatt replied, "Because I don't want to get hurt" (we had recently watched Lindsay Vonn's horrible crash that tore her ACL and MCL and she had to get air-lifted off the mountain.
Yep, that's how my son's mind works.

Yesterday the kids were all playing a game with their stuffed animals. At one point some 'bad person' was attacking them and they needed to get to safety. Wyatt insisted that they had to save themselves first in order to be able to save the animals, while Sadie couldn't believe that Wyatt would try to escape without taking the animals with him. They ended up getting into an argument over who should be saved in this type of situation and I didn't interrupt them, but instead listened to each of them give defense of why they thought they were right. I never did interject my opinion, but instead took a mental note of the entire conversation-- how each of their personalities really came through in that conversation.