Monday, December 17, 2012

the trimmings, the trappings...

As a kid, I remember how exciting it was when my mom would pull out all the bins of Christmas decorations and we would reminisce about when we got the items in the bins, where we put them and any memories that each item held for us. My kids seem to feel the same way and it brings a smile to my face to see the same excitement in their eyes. 
Sadie and Blake discussing the nativity scene
Blake pretending to go fishing with the stick that goes in my tree-waterer 
(If you don't have one, you have GOT to get one...see my previous post.)
Checking out the kids' nativity
Leave it to Pops to let the boys stand in the window and jump over the chair!
Of course, it wouldn't be time to decorate the tree without the traditional bottled Cokes
And while everyone was eating dinner, I was putting the lights on the tree (a tedious process that I have a love/hate relationship with)

Blake examining his 'hand ornament' from when he was just a few days old
Blake found his fire engine ornament--he had been asking about this one all day and I couldn't believe he remembered it!!
Wyatt checking out his 'First Christmas' ornament
Pops, Nani and Aunt Mary Jo

Blake cleaning up
A common expression on my face when kids are hanging ornaments on the tree....I am happy to report that only one broke this year!
And every year we get the kids new Christmas Pajamas that we give them when we decorate the tree.... I think they liked them!!