Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Girls Weekend

While Matt and Wyatt were in Austin, I surprised Sadie with a trip to Des Moines to see my good friend Jen and her daughter, Sadie's good friend Elle. Sadie was SO excited and when we got to their house, Elle came running out of the house and Sadie ran out of the car and they gave each other the biggest hug! They immediately started talking a mile a minute and ran into the house to play together. 
So thankful that they are such great friends!

Playing dress up!
Watching a movie
So excited to find out they have matching PJs!!!
Silly-ness all around!
We did bring Blake along on our 'Girls Weekend', but on Saturday morning, just the girls went for coffee and to get our nails done
Outside the nail place, the girls were doing some form of yoga....
And this is what the boys did....
And the crazy part was that they loved it! Yes, anyone who thinks boys and girls are basically the same has not met my children!!
We had a great weekend in Des Moines and once again, Sadie cried when we left, saying, "I miss Elle! I want to go back"


cammie said...

oh my goodness. i don't even know what to say about the picture of sadie with her hand on her hip. she looks about 20. geesh sades. QUIT IT... the growing up. just quit it.

Our Family said...

Oh we had so much fun!...of course no pics of us - but so goes the life of us mamas, huh?? Wheaton walked in on me looking at these pictures, he says, "Mom, LOOK I'm getting Blake in that picture - that was so fun!" haha :)Love you!