Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sadie's Farm Camp

Sadie's last day at farm camp was equally as exciting as Wyatt's. I try and make their last day special for each of them, so despite the fact that Wyatt knew all the same stuff as Sadie, we let her show us around and do what she wanted for the hour. We also brought along our neighbors Lillie and Grace since they had never been before and were anxious to see what this 'farm camp' was all about. Of course, Sadie felt extra special that they came as well.
I took this picture because this is what her hair looked like when I showed up and she didn't even bother to tell me what happened or how she lost her hair tie! 
Gotta love the cowboy boots he asked to wear with the hands in the pockets!
Sadie and her friend Meryl, who she went to camp with last year and this year
Such a great big sister--always!
Blake walked back over to the zipline to get back in line as if no one would notice....do you think he fits right in?
This is one of my favorite spots at farm camp...it's an old plastic kitchen in the middle of a circle of giant sunflowers. It's such a great little hideaway for kids' imaginations to run wild!
Always willing to pose
Another successful summer at farm camp in the books! Both Wyatt and Sadie are already asking when they can go back and