Thursday, August 2, 2012

More from Stormy Lake

Feeding the ducks....

The next morning, all the ducklings lined up on the sailboat's shore station and their mother sat just behind them in the water. I am quite sure they had returned for more food.
Out early in the morning to take advantage of the 'glass' for barefooting
I didn't have my big lens with me so I didn't get any pictures of Matt and Tyler behind the boat as they were too far away. So the pictures off the short rope will have to do.
Blake's favorite spot to sit when he started to get tired...right under my feet when I was driving.

After some skiing, we dropped a few people off at the dock and picked up the kid's skis. I stayed in the boat and hung onto the dock while everyone scattered to get stuff and I tried to act like I wasn't paying attention, but I noticed Sadie had set her life jacket up on the dock and was pretending it was some type of 'sunday school felt board' thing that she was teaching kids from. If you can picture this, she was standing behind it, telling the kids "Just look at God's beautiful you see the butterflies? Do you see the trees all around? Yes, God made it all. Isn't is amazing? What else do you see that God created? Yes, very good....He did make the water too!" I used my cell phone camera so that it appeared that I was just checking email or texting someone, allowing her to continue in her play!
She went on and on for about 10 minutes until everyone started to trickle back down to the boat. But what a gift for me to be able to witness! Made my day!

Wyatt got up behind the boat for the first time---no easy feat but he did it no problem!!
And Mollie, Cammie and I skiing behind the boat.

And here are the videos from the kids' baptisms....hilarious!!

We will be heading back up to Stormy a few more times this summer, so I am sure there will be more to come!