Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy 10th Anniversary/32nd birthday!!!

Although it isn't our anniversary yet, we have been thinking about what we would do for our big 10th anniversary coming up in June. We have never really done anything for our anniversaries in the past, other than going out for dinner so we thought we would make this one memorable. Our initial plans were to take a trip to Italy, but that fell through once we started to try and figure out when to go. It is just so difficult to be away from the kids for an extended period of time with all their activities and things they need us around for!! I used to think it was hard to leave when they were little, but now I am realizing that was much easier than it is now!!

As our plans to travel abroad started to unravel, Matt had another idea of something we could 'do''s a hint.....

Wyatt took that picture with my phone so it isn't the greatest quality, but you get the idea. Yes, we got a motorcycle!! Now don't get all concerned thinking you will see us show up in chaps and the full biker-look. But we did get leather jackets for safety as well as helmets. And it has been A LOT of fun. I think the kids have loved it more than we have, however!
Everyday when Matt gets home from work, the kids ask if he can go ride it.

I didn't get a picture of Sadie riding because she only likes to ride if she can sit between us. Blake, however, LOVES it and sits right in front of Matt. 

And he really likes helping Matt change the seat.

Yes, it has been a lot of fun and Matt has been riding it to work more now that it is so nice out!! And you can't beat the gas mileage....over 200 miles on 5 gallons!! 
Unfortunately Matt and I haven't gone on a long ride together yet, but we are looking forward to being able to enjoy it together!! Happy early 10th babe!