Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blake at 1 1/2yrs old

It's been awhile since I have given specific updates on each of my kids, so I thought I would try and do that this week. I just took Blake in to the doctor for his 18-mos. checkup and he was 33" tall and 29lbs, which is 60% for height and 90% for weight. So unlike his siblings who continued to be in the 90% for height, he is a bit more 'normal' but continues to be on the dense side when it comes to his body composition (or should I say compact?) He has become so much more fun lately and much less frustrating, in large part due to my realization that his fussiness just wasn't normal and I switched him off cow's milk to soy milk. And this had made a world of difference for him. Thankfully he doesn't have an allergy that I have to worry about, but he seems to have a bit of lactose intolerance that has been easily remedied by changing just his milk and yogurt to soy products. Other than that, he eats everything (cheese included) and has been doing so well. He talks so much now and understands just about everything you say to him (like asking him to get something or put something back, etc).
Now don't get me wrong, he is still the same Blake---fearless, determined, strong and extremely coordinated. But it seems to be a bit more tolerable now that he isn't so fussy.

This is one of his latest 'tricks'....he hops in the cozy coupe at the top of the driveway, just after it has started moving down the hill, and rides it to see where it will come to a stop. He sits just like this...on his knees...and loves the uncertainty of where it will go and when it will come to an end. I, however, do not!
He has also developed a border-line obsession with the group "Go Fish" and their vacation bible school video, 'Kickin' it Old School'. We got the video because our good friend Jamie is the lead singer of the group and had no idea Blake would love it so much. And we aren't sure what about it he loves, but all the songs are old hymns that have been 'remixed', so to speak. And the first song starts out by saying, "Na-na-na-na-na-na, ooooh, ooooh" so Blake now calls this the 'na-nas'. He will bring it to me and ask to watch it and will even sing it for us.....he sings, "na-na--oooooh--ooooh". In this picture I had just given him a snack of goldfish and then found him lying on the floor like this watching it! It was so cute (although I have rationalized allowing my 18mos. old to watch TV by saying that it is hymns he is learning!)
He continues to walk with his hands behind his back most of the time.....
...and will also walk up to other kids with his hands behind his back and just look at them...
(thankfully this was Wyatt's friends' older brother Sullivan, who I actually knew)
..but that's not always the case, as was evidenced by this picture while we were picking strawberries....(notice the hand still behind the back?)
He also is the most attached to Matt out of all three of our kids. He would prefer Matt over me 100% of the time and actually balled when Matt had to leave this week for Colorado for a few days. And it has been this way ever since Blake was a baby. He would always prefer to be rocked or held by Matt and they seem to have a special bond.
(Helping with yardwork in the rain)
...until he realized how wet he would get!

Seriously----two peas in a pod! Matt had laid down to take his usual Sunday afternoon nap in front of the TV (usually golf is on) and Blake just assumed the same position.

Blake loves loves loves reading books and will often say someone's name, point to where he wants them to sit, and then bring them a book to read. And he loves when Sadie reads to him, as she does just about every morning after breakfast while I am still cleaning up. He continues to enjoy 'hiding' from us and has developed a few new spots, one being Wyatt's bed. He loves sitting on the bottom bunk of Wyatt's bed during the day (especially if Wyatt is gone) and I am looking forward to the day when they can share a room. Blake will be so excited!
I am sure there are several other things that Blake has been doing lately that I am missing, but I thought I would include this video with several different clips to show just what Blake is like these days.


The Paulk's said...

Catching up on your blog and had to comment. This picture of Matt cracks me up because it reminds me so much of Granddad. I always walk in their house, find hiim laying on the ground next to their fireplace taking a nap. Must be in their blood...