Thursday, January 13, 2011


Recently, while in the car running errands, Sadie said to me, "Mommy, the snow is sparkling! Did you know that snow sparkles?"

To which I answered, "Yeah Sadie, isn't it beautiful?" as I looked out my window and saw farm fields filled with snow for as far as we could see with glistening white flakes in the sun's rays.
"Mommy, I think God made snow sparkle because He knows how much I like sparkly things"
And isn't that the truth? My little 3 year old daughter pointed out to me not only what an amazing Creator we have but also how much He loves us and has created this world for us. Now each day when I look out and see the snow, I look for those sparkles and am reminded of His love for us and am so thankful that Sadie understands that even at her young age.
(It also made me so thankful that I have continued to put up with my kids' complaining and whining about not getting to watch the DVD player in our car or have video games to play in the car--because if they were doing any of those things, they wouldn't have time to look out the window and think about the world around them. So although Sadie didn't realize it, she has reinforced my desire to keep my kids 'technology free' in the car!)


Lindsay Borland said...

love it! sades is such a girly girl!!!