Thursday, January 6, 2011

busy, busy, busy

No, I'm not talking about me. It's Blake...all I can say is that Matt and I are daily confounded at the ability this kid has to make a mess, get into something he's not supposed to, or fight his way out of any form of restriction (i.e, belts in shopping carts, having his diaper changed, etc). I have said it before, but until you experience it, you just can't fathom the strength this kid has. I literally had to climb in to the car today to try and hold him down while I put him in his carseat. And I usually have to use both of my legs to pin him down while changing his diaper, which I am still unsuccessful at the majority of the time. It's hard to convey the amount of energy this kid takes out of me, but here is my attempt in pictures.

This took him less than 3 minutes while I was making dinner

At my parents house over Christmas....

as if standing in his seat backwards wasn't enough, he had to try and climb on the seat
Mr. Risky

I love the faces on both my boys in this picture
And I love the amount of energy he has and his strong desire to explore things, but it often seems to come at inopportune times (or possibly its that this is the only time I notice it). I am anxious and a bit nervous to see what this part of his personality will look like when he's 5yrs old and then when he's 15!!


Grant and Jenni said...

Glad to see Lane isn't the only one to destroy a kitchen or living room. :) Energy level + his little attitude he's getting are exhausting sometimes...but I love this age!

JoanBohlman said...

I chuckled :) I look at it as payback time and now I can sit back and chuckle:) He is a determined kid. He will set goals and work hard to achievwe them

Our Family said...

Oh Kris - he and Wheaton could be brothers. They sound the exact same personality wise! Crazy exhausting, but so fun at the same time...