Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why play with toys?

We all have these in our homes....

But some of mine are looking like this.....

And some like this.....

The culprit??
This little guy.....
(ignore the picture quality, its from my phone!)

These have become his favorite toy. He loves the noise, the reaction they make when he pulls on them, and the endless fun they provide. I first tried to keep him away from them, but I have now given up and will just have to invest in some new ones in a few months when they lose their excitement.


Anonymous said...

Does it ever pinch his fingers? I would think it would and then he wouldn't want to play with it anymore. Although, by the looks of the damaged ones, he seems to have hurt them more than they could hurt him. :) Jen

Mary Jo said...

oh I remember loving those! they are awesome toys!! and wow he definitely looks like his mother! :)