Friday, October 22, 2010

10 mos (a little late) or 11 mos. (a little early)

Despite the fact that I am sitting hear writing about Blake at 10 mos. old, he has gone right ahead and proceeded on towards 11 months. I have a feeling I will always be playing catch-up on things with this kid! He seems to be one step ahead of me in more ways than one.
He has now officially entered the 'tough' stage, although it can also be very fun. He is in to EvErYtHiNg!! And as much fun as it can be to see him discovering new things, it can also be frustrating. I can no longer clean, fold laundry, get ready in the morning, etc while he is awake. But for the all the new adjustments we all have to make (the kids having to play on the table or island with things they don't want him to get in to), he also seems to be learning something new everyday. He loves to wave, play patty-cake, clap, point and grunt, climb the stairs, and play in the dishwasher. It is a fun age and I am daily reminding myself that it won't last forever, so I just need to enjoy this stage while it lasts!

And how could you not smile at that precious face!


Michelle said...

what a cutie!! I hear ya on the tough stage part...Samantha just started getting into stuff too, she's not as bad as Brayden was at this age but my kitchen floor is constantly covered in pantry items and tupperware. loading/unloading the dishwasher is impossible when she's around and the older kids play on the table or counters now too! :)

Mary Jo said...

Now you see why mom and dad couldn't stop smiling at your face (looks just like him!) He's so stinkin' cute!! All of your kids are adorable. I can't believe how big they all are!! He is precious

Mary Jo said...

I also now realize how you guys had to make those same adjustments when I came around :)