Thursday, May 14, 2009

The latest change

In our household, it seems there are always changes going on. And this year is no exception--moving, new job, new home.....

In case you didn't notice Sadie's shirt, here's a better hint.....


Katie said...

Congrats on your newest bundle of joy!

Kasey said...

Kris--How exciting!!!!! Congratulations!!!

The Paulk's said...

Congrats!! Hope you're feeling well!!

Our Family said...

I can't wait!!! Will call you today hopefully :)

Anonymous said...

The baby is SO cute. hehe. You have to say it, right? Even if he/she is still in utero. ;) You have such cute children that it is almost a given. Congrats again! We look forward to seeing you soon!!

Advice Gals said...

you basically have a peanut living in your tummy