Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

We are a nation that looked like this just several decades ago....

and now we look like this...

And no matter who you voted for, it is an historic day in the history of our nation--a day that our children will read about in history books and ask us about. What were we doing on this day? Do we remember where we were? And all this happening just one day after Martin Luther King Jr. day. I have always loved politics and am encouraged to see so many people engaged in the political process--a duty (I believe) of all Americans. Many people have fought and given their lives so that we could live in such a great nation and experience freedom and democracy.

But on this historic day, I am even more thankful to know that my hope does not rest in the hands of this man, but in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. A man who lived a blameless life and gave up His own life for mine--who suffered more than we could ever comprehend so that we could live in relationship with Him. And who desires a personal relationship with me--that is the source of my true hope. I will probably never meet this president and or have a personal experience with him, but I daily experience life lived with Christ and am forever changed because of it. And He is more powerful than any man on earth, any government, any nation.

I will pray for our new president as he assumes his new role as president--that God would give him wisdom and guidance. I pray that his marriage would remain strong throughout the pressures of the presidency and that He would seek God every day as he faces difficult decisions. It is exciting to see our nation come together on a day like today, but even more exciting is seeing someone enter a relationship with Jesus Christ--a man who can truly change lives!

God Bless America!!