Monday, January 12, 2009

A Day at COSI

I had been promising Wyatt that we would go see the Sesame Street "The Body" Exhibit at COSI (Science Museum) since October. The exhibit was here from October-January4th, so once we got back from Christmas in Wisconsin, I knew I didn't have much time. But we did finally go and the kids loved it---once they got over their disappointment that none of the characters were actually there in person! A few pics from our day.....

Mr. Hooper's Store and Restaurant

Washing her hands in the play bathroom

Lately Sadie is obsessed with pockets and wants only to wear tops or bottoms with pockets---I find it hilarious that she thinks they are so necessary!

By far the kids favorite thing was the store......playing "checker" as they called it...


Sadie loved the footprints of the characters and trying to fit in them

A blurry pic, but too cute not to post!


Anonymous said...

sadie's pocket obsession is hilarious! i love her little personality!!!

kara jayne said...

Okay...your kids are too cute. Sadie is crackin' me up with all her pocket poses.

Sharp Family said...

Wyatt and Sadie are so cute! I love Sadie's little boots, you always dress them both so well. Why are little kids so fascinated by play grocery stores? That's always Kaiya's favorite activity at any children's museum!