Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Through Child-like Eyes

Wyatt is such a thinker and he's constantly asking us "How?", "Why?", and "What?". The talking is endless in our household and at some times very exhausting. But there are precious moments when he asks such great questions and it's these times that I hope I'll never forget. So my post for this evening has nothing for you to look at, just a picture into Wyatt's little 3-year old mind.

After Wyatt had gotten up from bed a few times, I went and put him back in bed and this conversation ensued.

Me: Wyatt, you know that you need to obey Mommy and Daddy and stay in bed. (So hard to do after we just finished making chocolate chip cookies and some are still in the oven!) Because when you obey Mommy and Daddy, that makes us very proud of you.

Wyatt: And it makes God proud.

Me: Yes it does.

Wyatt: Mommy, when do we get to go see God?

Me: (trying to think quickly about the most correct yet age-appropriate answer) Well, we don't get to see God for a long time. But remember where He lives?

Wyatt: He lives in heaven and in my heart and your heart and Daddy's heart and Sadie's heart.

Me: Yes, God lives in our hearts if we ask Him to. And you can talk to Him whenever you want to, just like when we pray. God wants to hear everything you want to tell Him.

Wyatt: But how do we get to see God?

Me: (thinking about telling Wyatt how we can see God's creation and what He does, but realizing that Wyatt just wants to be able to see what God looks like) Well, not until we get to heaven.

Wyatt: How do we get to heaven?

Me: After we've lived a long life and we are old, we will die and then if we have asked Jesus to come into our hearts, we'll get to see God in heaven.

Wyatt: That's sad.

Me: No, it's not sad. It will be happy because we'll finally get to be with God.

Wyatt: (quickly moving past the sad thought--i'm not sure even really understands the concept of dying anyways) Can we take an airplane to heaven?

Me: No, airplanes don't go to heaven. God just takes us there.

Wyatt: Well then who will be here when I go to heaven?

Me: There will be other people here that God created.

Wyatt: I think my friends Drew and Gabe and Hayden will still be here waiting for me.

It was such a sweet conversation and I wanted to make sure I put it on here so I wouldn't forget it. I am so thankful for these precious times with Wyatt and hope that God gives me the right words to say to him.


Anonymous said...

That is so cute! You are so good with the answers to his questions. I remember when Reed started asking questions about Heaven and how we got there. It all started when we went to a funeral. It is such a great conversation, but at the same time hard because you know they don't fully understand everything. Good work with the answers!

Anonymous said...

OOps, I spelled your name wrong. I can tell it is early.

Anonymous said...


love your blog - great to hear how you feel about all that cool stuff. I would say your optimism came from me and mine cam from my dad. That's exactly how we feel about challenges and things to deal with. It's a blessing to have been given that outlook.