Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sadie's Birthday Party

This past weekend, we had Sadie's first birthday party in Madison. Of course, the 1st party is really more for the rest of us than Sadie, but she seemed to enjoy it all. Here are just a few pictures from her party.

Wyatt opened all the gifts for Sadie and she just looked on....."What's in there?"

She got a little stroller for her baby dolls and immediately took off with it.

She was getting a bit cranky as the party went on....until the cake came out. She didn't just pick at the cake--she picked up the entire piece with both hands and dove right in. What a sweetie!
And I had to include this video. Up until her party, she had taken two or three steps on her own. But as you can see, when her brother upsets her, she can accomplish things she never knew she was able of. She hasn't repeated this many steps since this video, but now we know she can! And you can hear the amazement of all of our family watching as she just kept going.



my3boyz said...

I love it! It is amazing what older siblings will make you do!

Anonymous said...

i just watched the video while at work and started laughing out loud ... then i turned the volume on my computer and just about died at matt's duck noises!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that video! It cracked me up. I too was laughing out loud.
Jen L

Mary Jo said...

i just watched the video and showed it to nikki.........lindsay's right about matt's duck noises. 1) they're hilarious (i'd love to tape just that hehe) and 2) it's amazing how they're just like typical siblings now hehe