Monday, September 24, 2007

No One Told Me About This.......

As many of you mothers know, there is a world of information that no one tells you about before you have children. Today I had an experience that would fit into this category. For those of you who are mothers, hopefully you can relate. And for those of you that aren't.......well.......let's just say that kids are the greatest thing in the world but you may find yourself doing things that you never could have imagined as a result of becoming a parent! So, my story........I was in Sam's club (the closest thing to Costco in La Crosse) with Wyatt and Sadie and it was just before lunch. I thought we'd be able to get our shopping done there and home in time for lunch. But as we entered the store, Sadie decided she wanted to eat and eat immediately. Wyatt then thought he'd make it known that he was also hungry as I'm sure he feared I had forgotten about feeding him (because that has happened SO many times before). I decided to get a pretzel for Wyatt and a piece of pizza for myself and then I'd feed Sadie. (Thank goodness for the huge carts at Sam's that Wyatt can comfortably sit in the back of and eat his pretzel). But of course, there are no decents places to nurse a baby in any store (other than the lounge at Nordstrom's in the Mall of America), so where else do you turn but the bathroom. So here I am, with two hungry and cranky kids and a huge cart, rolling into the bathroom at Sam's. Thankfully, the handicapped stall was open and I rolled the cart right in. And this was the scene--Wyatt sitting in the back of the cart eating his pretzel, I'm sitting on the toilet breastfeeding Sadie with one hand and eating my pizza with the other hand. I just had to laugh as I sat there. Wyatt looked at me and said, "Mom, this is silly!" And to top things off, the toilet had one of those automatic flushers--need I say more! I never would have thought, a few years ago, that this is where I would be with my life. But here I am and I do love it! I have become quite creative in my days as a mom!


kara jayne said...

Just think of it as your "mommy throne". I've nursed in plenty of bathrooms, dressing rooms, resturant booths, etc. I'm sure you were a sight to see!

kara jayne said...

By the way, there is nothing like the women's lounge in Nordstroms. No wonder I like that place so much!

EDS said...