Monday, September 10, 2007

Here Goes.....

I have been wanting to start a blog for awhile and I am finally doing it. This life with 2 little ones is a bit crazier than I had anticipated and I no longer have much time to talk on the phone or email all of you individually. Several of my friends have blogs and it's been a great way to stay in touch and feel like I am still connected to many of you, although it is a bit odd to talk to someone you haven't talked to in a year and yet know what they did yesterday. But the internet world is moving ahead full speed and so is my I'm jumping on the blog bandwagon and we'll see how it goes. I have lots I'd like to get on here, so bear with me in the early stages of this learning curve.


kara jayne said...

I can't believe I found you on your first day of blogging! I'm so excited I'm your VERY first comment!! I was going through some of my old comments and I just happened to click on you TODAY!! Good luck and enjoy the ride!

EDS said...

Yea Kris...I'm so glad you are now a blogger. I'm excited to follow your lives through this blog. Check ours out when you get a chance.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This is great! I love all the extras you put in- the playlist and all of your favorites. We will be sure to visit it often! Annie