It's hard to believe that in just over a week, Wyatt will be 7 years old. He seems very ready to be 7 and at times seems like he has already been 7 for awhile, but it certainly doesn't seem like it's been 7 years since I became a mom! That sounds like a long time....and so much has happened since then. When Wyatt was born, Matt was still in school and we were living in Des Moines. 4 moves, 3 states and 2 kids later, it's hard to believe all that has happened in 7 years. But Wyatt was with us every step of the way (poor thing!). But he survived and is actually thriving! But 7, we are halfway to 14....YIKES!!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wyatt's 1st grade picture
His class
Wyatt came home from school on Friday and we all headed outside to play in the snow and do a bit more shoveling. While we were shoveling, Wyatt said, "Mommy, do you know that Cayden in my class doesn't believe in God?"
Me:"Really? How do you know that?"
Wyatt:"He told me. He said that God is dead"
Me:"What did you say?"
Wyatt:"I told him that's not true. But isn't it sad that he thinks that, Mom? I told him that Jesus is God and He did die, but he didn't stay dead. He came back to life 3 days later. I told him that Jesus dies on the cross for our sins and that if any of us believe in Him, we can live with him in heaven forever."
Me:"What did Cayden say?"
Wyatt:"He just said he didn't think it was true but I know it is."
Me:"How do you know it's true?"
Wyatt; looking at me like I was being silly because I knew....."Mom......because it's in the Bible. But Mom, everyone in my class believes in God except Cayden, Noah O. and Will."
Me:"How do you know that?"
Wyatt:"Because we talk about it. I asked Cayden if he went to church and that was how we started talking about it."
I was so excited to hear about the conversation he had with his friends at school and how boldly he was willing to share his faith. And I loved that he brought up the questions to the other kids. I know it won't always be that easy, but I love that he realizes not everyone believes what we believe and that we are called to tell others about Christ's love.
Wyatt continues to amaze me in his observation skills. I guess maybe it wouldn't be called a skill as much as a part of his personality, much like his father. He pays close attention to everything--he doesn't miss a beat. In fact, we have noticed him doing things at hockey just like his Uncle Ty, who plays for Bethel, and who we watch often. Wyatt loves to watch Uncle Ty and then play just like he does. (Yes Ty, Wyatt has even taken to being the last kid off the ice....wonder where he learned that?!) But it happens when you don't even realize he is listening or paying attention. For example, we were sitting in church last weekend and he was in 'big service' with us since we are trying to find a new church home right now. We told him he didn't have to go to the kids' sunday school classes until we decided on a church and so he has been coming to service with us. He can get a bit antsy towards the end of the sermon and he is usually writing or drawing on paper. But last Sunday evening when we were sitting around the table talking about what we were going to be working on for the upcoming week and how we could pray for each other, he brought up the exact things that were talked about that morning in the sermon. I was amazed and he even remembered what book of the Bible we were reading from, went and got his Bible, and opened it to read the very scripture we had studied that morning!
And speaking of reading, he has really taken off this year in 1st grade. Many people warned me that 1st grade was much more academic/difficult/more work and they weren't kidding. But what a difference I have seen in Wyatt. He absolutely LOVES school and his teachers and acts like people are crazy when they ask if he is excited to be off school---what a change from just 2 years ago when he cried and clung to my leg everyday at preschool drop-off for months. He has gained so much confidence and is such an answer to our prayers. For awhile there, I had visions of that happening all the way through middle school!
I have to say that I think hockey has also given him a lot of confidence. Ironically, he has come to love hockey and hasn't once complained this year about going--he literally can't get enough. But again, 2 years ago when we signed him up for hockey, he cried every time we went to the rink and it was a serious battle. Matt and I agonized over the decision to let him quit (we don't quit in this family--and the kids will hear me say "we are Sorensens and we don't quit"..they might not choose to continue in an activity after it's over, but no quitting in the middle of it) or to make him finish the year out. Knowing his personality, he had never been a kid to try anything new on his own. We always had to push him a bit but then he would end up loving it. So we knew his personality and with this particular activity, we just couldn't tell if we needed to push him to make him stronger and more confident or if we were going to crush his spirit if we did. This was probably one of the toughest decisions we had to make as parents up until that point and we spent many hours agonizing over what was right. We ended up quitting hockey and never brought it up again. That is, until Wyatt started asking Matt to play hockey outside with him all last winter. He loved playing and was getting pretty good at it. So we determined that his hesitancy had more to do with the organization of practices and the number of kids on the ice than it had to do with the game itself. We told Wyatt at the end of last winter that he would be playing hockey this year but that it would be different.....the same 15 kids on his team all year long and the same coaches AND one of them would be Matt. The first day he was still pretty timid and Matt and I had flashbacks to 2 years ago and wondered again if we were making the right decision. But once he met a few of the kids and could count on the same kids being there each week, he was a completely different kid.

And now a video highlight reel.....well, some highlights, some of Sadie and Blake at practice, and some oops'...the one thing that I have noticed when i do come to watch him is that he is very defensive-minded. Not only does that fit with his personality but uncle Ty is also a defenseman and Wyatt has picked up a lot from watching him. He doesn't do everything perfectly, but he seems to have a keen sense of where he should be in relation to the puck and other players. A lot of the kids his age will automatically race towards wherever the puck is, but Wyatt often times (not always) thinks one or two steps ahead and as a result, is in great position for the next play. He usually plays in their 3-on-3 games with his friend Jack and they have gotten great at passing to each other and reading what the other is going to do, as you'll see in the video. Although at times their celebrations last a bit long and they miss the next play! And now that I have talked him up like an all-star, here is the video! (I am a proud mom, what can I say?)I took a few pictures and some video last weekend since so many of our family members have been asking to see some....I am usually not at hockey since Matt coaches and the two of them go, but since Matt's been out of town the past few weekends, I have filled in (I still can't tie Wyatt's skates like Daddy does--despite a demonstration from Matt--and I am embarrassed to say that I have to bring a pair of scissors to cut the tape when I tape his socks--thankfully Wyatt is patient with me)
He has to wear his jersey tucked in on one side, just like Daddy always did
He is on the black team and is #17 (blue socks, white tape)
The 'celebration'....again, just like the big guys do it!
His team....we have a really great group of families and it's been fun getting to see each other every weekend and occasionally during the week.
Posted by Sorefam at 4:09 PM
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i am SO glad that you took some video of wyatt playing hockey!! i love the part where wyatt gets back into defense and is skating backward and the kid near him doesn't quite make the change from skating forward to backward ... i can't wait to show Rob this when he gets home from Auckland! wyatt we loved watching you! great job bud!!!
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