Yes, I still am not posting about Christmas....I said I was behind, didn't I????
I took a few pictures before Christmas of how Blake watches TV.....
..not sure why, but I find it hilarious since no one else watches TV like this in our house.
He also loved playing with the nativity.....I have been looking for YEARS for a nice nativity that I really liked and still haven't found one. So when I was at Michael's one day and say this one on clearance for $12.99, I bought it. I figured it would do for now and at least my kids wouldn't grow up wondering why we didn't have one (we do have a kids' nativity, but I wanted something more than that.)
He loved pointing out who everyone was and of course, his favorite was baby you can see from this picture!
While I was taking those pictures of Blake and the nativity, I noticed Sadie had made a 'manger' for her baby and was pretending to be Mary and Baby Jesus. (I love that the manger is made from a tutu, Green Bay Packer foam finger and bag from Hot Mama!)
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