Last week we finally got a whopping 3" of snow! And this is the most we have gotten at one time this year....sad, yes, but I guess it makes us thankful for the small amounts when it does come!
We played outside in the snow for 3 days in a row after Wyatt got home from school....that is, until it melted! I tried getting a picture of all three kids, but only Blake would take a break long enough to look at me. As you'll notice, Sadie loved eating the snow.
Blake was all work....he was most excited about getting to shovel.
Burying each other in the snow
Blake, unprompted, set his shovel up right next to mine....
attempt at another group pic...Sadie eating snow again and Blake obliging me!!
The kiddos (my kids and Gracie)
We had some freezing rain just before the snow came, so everything had a layer of ice on it. Not fun for driving, but the beauty of it on everything else never ceases to strike me.
Blake....keeping up with the big kids
This just tells you how pathetic the snow has been this year. The grasses are poking through the snow and yet we were all out there attempting to get a little sledding in before it all melted.
Love Blake's hat!
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