I don't think I can actually count how many times I say "Ohhhhh BLAKE!" in a day. And I'm sure it will only continue, but here is another snapshot of why I say this....
He loves putting shoes on his hands and crawling around like this.....
and 90% of the time, he uses whichever pair of shoes were outside most recently (=dirtiest, slushiest shoes)
(notice Matt's slippers on his hands)
gotta love the 'no pants, one sock' look
...and the one that takes the cake thus far happened just last night....
Mr. big stuff thought he could walk down the stairs holding just the railing and unfortunately, the post at the end of the stairs won! When I picked him up the goose egg was just beginning to grow and the purplish color was coming in quite quickly. The skin split open before my eyes and Matt thought we might need to get stitches (I have deemed Blake my ER kid as it's only a matter of time before we wind up there)
Thankfully, we just used bandaids to act like butterfly strips and called it good.
Back at it in no time...and still scaling tables, sofas, etc. Don't think a small cut will hold this kid down!
My goodness he is a busy boy! :) Not sure which scares me more- just the thought of having a third in a week or so... or the possibility that it could be a boy! ;) Blake is adorable though and you do such a good job of taking pictures to remember all of his mischief. :)
so funny. that kid cracks me up. you definitely have your hands full with him! so glad you didn't have to deal with the ER.
oh my word! he keeps you on your toes...he reminds me a little of what Brayden was like at that age :)
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