Today is Wyatt's 6th birthday and I can actually say that this is probably the first time I feel like Wyatt is turning an age he already seems to be (does that make sense?) For every other birthday, I have felt like he wasn't really that 'old' but this year seems to have been a big one for Wyatt. He has really matured and grown into a kid. I feel like I am able to have a lot of fun with him....not just doing things for him because he enjoys them but we now seem to be able to enjoy many of the same things. So this year, I decided to post several pictures just from the last year that display Wyatt's personality.....
A WONDERFUL big brother
Just the other day, I was watching a friend's two girls (6yrs and 3yrs old) and while all the kids were playing together, Wyatt came to me and said, "Mommy, can I just play with Blake instead of the girls?" As a mother, it was so sweet to hear that he would prefer to play with his 14mos. old brother than a girl his own age. He truly loves to help out with Blake and play with him. I don't know how I would get through most days without him.

An avid skier....he recently announced to us that skiing is his favorite sport, even over baseball (which is HUGE because this kid LOVES baseball!)

SO enthusiastic,
especially when it comes to playing games and spending time together as a family

A Kindergartener! Wyatt loves school and has gained so much confidence as a result.

Tried out the long-haired look this summer and made great friends

Went to his 1st Twins game and was SO into baseball this summer

Got to be a ring-bearer this summer in 2 weddings!!
Again, a great helper to me, regardless of what I'm doing.

Wyatt has always been a bit tentative and that part of his personality will likely always be there, as you can see from this picture. But he has gained the confidence to overcome his fears much of the time and we are so proud of him for that.

And this is the result when he does!!!

LOVES spending time with his Dad

....and being one of the guys!

Some great pictures of Wy.....what a great smile!!

concentrates so intensely (this was his last day of preschool)


A big 2-wheel rider

This picture really depicts the change that has taken place in Wyatt over the last year. This was taken in the spring as he stood on our porch, longing to be out with the kids playing baseball but too timid to go out and join in. But over the last year, he has gained so much confidence. And although he may still sit on the sidelines at first, with a little nudging, he is much more likely to join in the fun. And it's been such an exciting change to watch in him.

So tired....Wyatt plays hard and sleeps hard. I had taken this picture in the spring after I had come upstairs to get some laundry and found him laying in the hallway like this with his blankie. Apparently, he had gotten out of his room but only made it this far before he laid back down and ended up falling asleep! And although he doesn't nap everyday anymore, I can still count on at least 3 days a week when he will.

Wyatt got glasses this past year just like his Daddy

To my oldest son Wyatt:
Six years ago today you came in to the world and I immediately fell head over heels in love. Your entrance into the world changed my life forever and began a new chapter in my life--motherhood. You made me a Mommy..a very surreal change. We left the hospital with you and moved to MN...literally, we didn't even go 'home'. We drove to someone else's house in White Bear Lake, MN where we would live for the next 4 months and I would begin to realize how many things in life are out of my control. I would experience exhaustion like never before and joy like never before. And the Lord has used you to teach me so many things. You are a wonderful helper to me and a great example for your brother and sister. You are honest, loyal, intelligent, athletic, and extremely perceptive. I am excited to see how you will continue to grow into the boy that God desires for you to be and we are beyond blessed to have you as our son! Love you Wyatt and I am so excited for your next year of life! Happy 6th!
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