New Year's Day we hosted the 2nd Annual Burbots New Year's Party (for those of you unfamiliar with a burbot, it is apparently a horribly ugly fish that Matt and his friends from college have fondly referred to themselves as--and please don't ask why!) These are the same guys that Matt goes to the Boundary Waters with each summer, so it's fun to have this party 6 months later! Just about all the families live in the metro area, but we rarely all get together, so everyone makes an extra effort to come to this party. And what a party it is!!
The star of the show this year.....Cooper Kuch, just 2 1/2 weeks old!

Sadie and Anna Miller were surrounded by boys all night, but relished in their moments to hold the baby. (Sadie was on cloud nine when she got to hold Cooper, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it! I'm sure it won't be the last time!)

Ready for the annual broomball game


The 'burbots'
These guys all went to Bethel College together and have been taking trips every summer to the Boundary Waters for 11 years now. They are also in a broomball league each winter, so this just served as a practice for their upcoming game.

Once the guys left, we fed the kiddos and enjoyed a glass of wine. The numbers of babies keeps growing each year....I think Blake no longer qualifies as a 'baby'! Look at how he dwarfs those little ones.

We had the feeding down to a science....I believe there were 7 mothers in all, 4 of them nursing moms, 1 expecting, and 16 little mouths to feed. It's a bit exhausting just thinking about it!

But they were all happy and fed!!
(Noah, Sadie and Coby)

Our attempt to get a 'kid picture'...13 out of 15 isn't bad!

I didn't take very many pictures as I was either busy with food or relaxing and eating myself. But I did sneak away when I noticed it was unsually quiet to find my kids and the Miller kids playing a game of Zingo. These four play so well together and have a blast everytime we get together. Unfortunately we live on opposite sides of the city and swear that we will get together more often, but it just doesn't happen as often as we'd like!

It was a great party that started at 3:30pm with watching the Badgers in the Rose Bowl and ended around 11pm. We had a total of 30 people in our home, which was a bit cramped at times, but also makes it that much more fun. My kids were absolutely beat on Sunday, but what a great weekend we had.
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