The day after we got back from Stormy Lake, we bought a bunch of plants/shrubs/mulch and 4 trees to finish up our landscaping. The trees were delivered and we planned on planting them ourselves over the weekend, along with finishing all the landscaping. My parents came up for the weekend to help out, but as is usually the case, they seem to end up doing much of the work. They are such awesome helpers--never complaining, never asking for a break, and working hard until it's all done. I don't even think they would have stopped for lunch if I hadn't made it and told them they had to come in. They are hard core. And our neighbor Bob also came and helped out. I know I have mentioned what awesome neighbors we have, but they continue to amaze us! Saturday morning when my Dad and Matt started digging the holes for the trees, Bob just came over with a shovel and he and his son Ryan ended up helping all day! We were so thankful for their help as well---it really was a group effort!
They were able to dig 3 of the 4 holes by hand, but one spot was as hard as a rock and i had to run and rent an auger! No project around here can go off without a hitch.....

The kids always seem to have a different perspective on things when they don't go according to plan.....for them, it became much more exciting!

We spent from around 9am until 8pm working on the landscaping, but we got it all done. We were all exhausted, especially Sadie as she didn't take a nap the entire day because we were just all so busy working on stuff! But on Sunday, Wyatt had his last T-ball game and Nani and Pops were able to watch him play. He was so excited to be playing on the 'big fields' by the high school and loved having Nani and Pops there to watch.

Sadie and Blake really get in to the game....

Blake's new favorite food.....grass

We decided to try and cut down on the grass consumption by giving him Matt's ball glove to chew on....he loved the leather. Do you think he's teething?!

For this last game of the 'tournament', whoever played catcher got to wear all the gear (as opposed to just the helmet like they had been doing). Wyatt was beyond thrilled when he found out he would get to play catcher the last inning. He's been watching Joe Mauer just a bit and had all the moves/positions down (despite the fact that in T-ball, all the catcher does is pick up a ball and put it on the T. No ball to actually catch, yet he was ready with each batter!)

Getting their trophies

He was/is SO proud of this trophy. He kept saying, "It's my first trophy! Can I show my friends?" So proud.

It was such a great weekend, but after my parents left, Matt said, "We really need to have your parents up here sometime when we don't have work for them to do." So true! But we are thankful to be living only 4 hours away and they are able to come visit quite often. In fact, they'll be here again this coming weekend, so hopefully we'll be able to just relax and have fun!
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