We started the day of the wedding off by having brunch at Matt's parents house with all the out of town relatives that had come for the wedding.
Gigi (Matt's grandma) and the kids
Outside with Great-Grandpa Sorensen
Mollie and their cousin Rachel Sorensen
...it's finally time...

Ring bearer and Best Man
We had to break out the 'candy' a little early
(This was my bribery technique, waiting for the kids up front for them to eat once they walked down the aisle. But Sadie was near meltdown before the wedding, so we broke the candy out a bit early.) Notice the bug bites? Poor girl got a huge one under her left eye and one on her arm/shoulder the night before.
Uncle Ty (Best Man #2) and Wyatt
The brothers
A few pics of the ceremony borrowed from the professionals......

As I have said many times before, Sadie loves shoes and took this opportunity to compare hers with Whitney, Matt's cousin.

Wyatt and Matt's cousins McKenna and Reagan
Wyatt was so excited to see these girls as they only see each other once a year when we all go to Stormy Lake

Sorensen fam (minus my kids)

Wyatt loved being one of the 'guys'

Wyatt and his buddy, Uncle Kyle

Kyle and Christy had a limo for just the two of them to ride in, so none of us saw these pictures being taken as they went to a nearby park. Except for Wyatt......as we were all leaving the church, Wyatt walked over to look inside the limo and Uncle Kyle told him he could ride along. Matt and I told him he really didn't have to let Wyatt come with them, but if he really wanted to, Kyle better ask his now-wife Christy first. She thought it would be great as well, so Wyatt got to have his 1st limo ride and we met him at the reception.

At the reception

Blake with my parents at the reception
(Disclaimer: I did not dress him in this for the wedding, however, he had a minor blowout and we had to put on outfit #2)

Cousins---Reagan, McKenna and Wyatt----Jana (Mollie's best friend and Tyler's girlfriend)--cousin Rachel, Ty and Mollie
jana and mollie
My kids were getting a bit hungry by this point.....

And I have no idea what they ate all night long.....they charmed anyone they could and got all kinds of pop and treats

Sadie adores Reagan and McKenna and hung out by the dessert buffet for quite awhile

After dinner, dessert, and speeches, Matt and I played the shoe game again with Kyle and Christy (since it was such a hit before, why not do it again?!) And once again, everyone loved it.

At one point, we asked the question "Who has the wackiest family?" to which Kyle raised both shoes and Christy didn't raise either shoe. Wyatt, however, raised his hand and I said, "I do!"
After the game, there was a brief slide show of pictures of Kyle and Christy. While everyone watched the slideshow, Sadie took the opportunity to be the sole occupant of the dance floor. And you couldn't help but notice as the dance floor was placed directly between everyone's chairs and the screen. But she loved it.....in her own little world, dancing away.
...on her tiptoes the entire time....

...and in perfect Sadie fashion, she made it look like so much fun that another little girl joined her!
My sister Mary Jo and Rachel Sorensen with the kids (waiting to dance) while Kyle and Christy danced

Finally, time for us to all dance. And dance we did!! The kids lasted until about 10:30 dancing and having so much fun with everyone.
It was a really fun reception as both Christy and Kyle are from Madison and we all grew up in the same church, so we knew just about everyone at the wedding. It was great to see faces we hadn't seen in a long time..including Matt Dahl and his wife Jenny, one of the bridesmaids. Matt's older brother and Eric and I were friends in high school and I hadn't seen him for years! But he and his wife took over the band for one song and sang some Johnny Cash for the newlyweds!
Dancing with Grammy and Papa

Hey Kris! Glad you did such a good job documenting the wedding...it was fun to see. Looks like it was a very special time, wish we could have been there. Will be excited to see your Stormy Lake pics...one of these years we will make it up there!
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